What to Look For When Hiring an Implementation Partner

April 17, 2024

When hiring an implementation partner/consultant, keep these 6 key factors in mind:

1. Clearly Define Objectives:

Ensure alignment between you and your partner regarding expectations, roles, and responsibilities. Clarity fosters effective collaboration.

2. Seek Partners with Strategic Vision:

Look for partners who transcend mere implementation, offering insights beyond the immediate technology. Being platform-agnostic expands perspectives and solutions.

3. Review Past Performance:

Evaluate their track record of successful project delivery and client satisfaction. Seek references and assess the longevity of their client relationships.

4. Embrace Resilience:

Acknowledge that setbacks are inevitable. Cultivate a collaborative approach with your partner to overcome challenges as they arise.

5. Prepare Your Team:

Equip your team to engage effectively with the partner, leveraging their expertise and remaining receptive to guidance.

6. Collaborate Internally:

If implementing a new platform, enlist internal support to complement the expertise of the implementation partner. Internal insights enhance the partnership's effectiveness.